
Get Rid Of Tumblr Live: A Step-By-Step Guide



Tumblr, the social blogging platform, has evolved over the years, introducing various features to keep its user base engaged. One such feature is Tumblr Live, allowing real-time content sharing. However, not everyone is a fan, and if you’re among those wanting to know how to get rid of Tumblr Live, this guide is for you.

Understanding Tumblr Live

Before diving into the removal process, it’s essential to understand what Tumblr Live is. Tumblr introduced this feature as a response to the growing trend of live streaming across various platforms. With Tumblr Live, users can broadcast their activities, share moments, and engage with their followers in real time. It provides an interactive platform to connect, but for various reasons, some users prefer to get rid of Tumblr Live and go back to the platform’s traditional blogging format.

Why Some Users Choose to Get Rid of Tumblr Live

Tumblr Live, though innovative and engaging, isn’t universally loved. Many users have compelling reasons to get rid of Tumblr Live:

  1. Distraction: For a significant number of users, Tumblr has always been a sanctuary for reading, sharing, and diving deep into niche communities. The sudden burst of a live broadcast on their feed can be jarring, pulling them away from a post they might be engrossed in. It changes the platform’s pacing from a leisurely scroll to a real-time rush, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
  2. Privacy Concerns: In the era where internet privacy is paramount, live streaming can be a double-edged sword. Even with the best intentions, there’s a risk of revealing personal details unintentionally—a backdrop that gives away your location, a slip of the tongue, or even just background conversations that weren’t meant for the world.
  3. Bandwidth Consumption: Streaming, especially in high quality, is a data guzzler. Those on limited data plans might find themselves using up their monthly allocation quicker than expected. And it’s not just mobile users; even home networks in certain regions have bandwidth caps, making streaming a luxury.

For these and other reasons, the quest to get rid of Tumblr Live or minimize its impact on personal feeds becomes a priority for many.

Adjusting Your Tumblr Experience

Tumblr is a versatile platform that has always aimed to provide its users with a personalized experience. For those who prefer the traditional blogging essence, the sudden prominence of features like Tumblr Live can be jarring. To get rid of Tumblr Live, or at least minimize its impact, is about reclaiming the platform’s essence that many initially fell in love with. While changes are inevitable in the digital world, users have the power to adapt and customize, ensuring they get the most from their online journeys.

Steps to Get Rid of Tumblr Live

Deactivating or limiting Tumblr Live isn’t as straightforward as toggling an option off. While you cannot entirely remove the feature, you can minimize its presence:

  • Muting Live Videos: On your dashboard, whenever a live video appears, click on the video and choose ‘mute’. While this doesn’t get rid of Tumblr Live, it stops the autoplay, reducing distractions.
  • Limit Notifications: Go to account settings and adjust notification preferences. Turn off notifications related to live videos to minimize interruptions.
  • Use Third-Party Extensions: Browser extensions, specifically for Chrome and Firefox, can help block certain Tumblr features, including live broadcasts. Research and choose one that fits your needs. (Ublock is a reference on this field, it helps to block certain features)
Steps to Get Rid of Tumblr Live


While Tumblr Live offers an interactive way to connect with followers, it’s not for everyone. If you’ve decided to get rid of Tumblr Live, following the steps mentioned can help you enjoy a less interrupted Tumblr experience. Always remember that online platforms evolve, and Tumblr might provide more direct control over such features in the future.

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